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Ghost Writing
Although it is true that ‘everyone has at least one book in them’, the phrase refers to the life experience, knowledge and imaginative components of a book. The ability to translate that into a 25,000-word manuscript which consistently entertains or enlightens or shocks, while being accurate, well-written and professionally presented, is a skill that may not come quite as naturally.
The invisible presence of the ghost not only supports authors who would otherwise struggle to bring their vision to the page, but allows books to be produced that simply wouldn’t exist otherwise, allowing truths to be told, different perspectives to be experienced and voices to be heard that would otherwise be silent.
For others, it may be that you have put your heart and soul into trying to write the book and it just isn’t working: your message isn’t coming across, it’s too long or too short, it just doesn’t come together as a whole and the language has gone stale. A ghost will overcome all of these problems with an objective, professional and commercial eye, making structures accessible, information clear and language appropriately emotive, persuasive or simply beautiful. The book will always remain in your control with the emphasis on your voice, content and ideas. A ghost is effectively there to translate this vision into the written word and onto the page.
Reasons for Using an Editor
1. Editors check documents for a living. They can do it faster, better, and more cost-effectively than you can possibly do it yourself. In economics terms, the opportunity cost of employing an editor (or a designer, compositor, proofreader, indexer, or any of the other specialized book production people) is very low to anyone who is self-publishing. That’s because you can use the time you save to sell more books and increase your revenue. Focus on your marketing, optimize your website, or get started on the next book. When you count in the time you save and what you can do with that time, using an editor just makes sense.
2. Editors are professionals who are accustomed to interacting with authors in a mutually respectful relationship. Editors have to make a living and they would quickly find themselves unable to if they went out of their way to hurt authors’ feelings or insult them. Throughout history, authors have relied on their editors to be their sounding boards, to represent the eye and ear of the reader, and to bring a viewpoint that can’t arise spontaneously in the author’s head. The point at which you engage an editor is the point at which you take off your author hat and put on your product developer hat. You and your editor are a team, trying to put out the best product you can so that it will be embraced by your target audience.
3. Your editor is there to help you, not to get into fights or disagreements with you about the way you write. If you are the parent of your book, engaging the editor is when you send your child off to college to learn from others.